SEO Copywriter for Health Coaches and Startups

Helping you find the right words and SEO techniques for better conversions.

Who I Help

1. Health and life coaches, dieticians, nutritionists, and fitness instructors

The competition is fierce: You need to make your services seem 100x better than the competition so your ideal clients will choose you without a thought.

2. Ecommerce beauty and wellness brands

Your business is doing well but you’re leaving money on the table by not having a blog… or having one that’s not updated. You’re looking to grow your organic website traffic so that you don’t need to spend a chunk of your profit on ads.


"Sirferaaz did a brilliant job. She did a lot of research and also looked at our website to understand the product and company. The article was well researched, extremely well written and the communication excellent. She responded quickly and it was a pleasure working with her. Will definitely use again.."
Erla (

Hi, I'm Sirferaaz Akherwary.


I help holistic health and wellness solopreneurs and startups get free traffic and boost engagement with optimized copy.

When was the last time your blog had an update? Blogging is a great way to facilitate an emotional connection with readers, but perhaps you don’t have the time to create a blogging strategy or write them yourself. 

Your job is hard enough without having to worry about finding more clients and increasing revenue. I’ve got you covered.

Let me take care of this, so you can focus on running your business. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions! 

Serious about blogging?

Grab a free 3-month content calendar with blog ideas tailored to your brand. 


  • SEO blog posts and articles 
  • EBooks and guides
  • Emails and newsletters 
  • Web content 
  • Landing/Sales pages 

Topics I Write On

  • Health and wellness
  • Nutrition and fitness
  • Beauty
  • Health Tech 
  • Productivity and mindfulness


Create wholesome content relevant to your dream clients and convert them into active subscribers with this…


  • EBook                                 $ 550
  • 4 Blog Posts                      $ 600
  • 7 Emails                             $ 840
  • Landing Page                    $ 500

$ 2490

Total $ 2090