Terms and Conditions

Freelance Writing

The following rates and terms apply:


Client has to pay a deposit before Contractor can start work. Contractor will invoice client on the first or last business day of each month, for deliverables accepted that month. Payments for each invoice delivered by Contractor to Client are due within 15 days of receipt. 

Payments will be made via direct deposit, PayPal, or other electronic payment processors as agreed to by both parties. In case of overdue payments, Contractor reserves the right to stop work until payment is received.   

Changes and Revisions

The price at the beginning of this contract is based on the time investment I estimate is needed to accomplish the proposed work. But, I’m happy to be flexible.

If you want to change our arrangement or add anything new, I’ll provide a separate estimate for that.


I can’t guarantee that my work will be completely error-free and so I can’t be liable to you or any third-party for damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or special damages, even if you’ve advised me of them.

If any provision of this contract shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this contract and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.


The client will own the copyright for all material created under the contract.

Late Payment 

In the event an invoice is not paid on time, to the maximum extent allowable by law, Contractor will charge a late payment fee of 1.50% per month on any overdue and unpaid balance not in dispute. 

Contractor’s acceptance of such service charges does not waive its rights to any remedies for Client’s breach of this Agreement. All payment obligations are non-cancelable and fees paid are non-refundable.

Right to Authorship Credit 

Both Parties agree that when asked, Client must properly identify Contractor as the creator of the deliverables. Client does not have a proactive duty to display Contractor’s name together with the deliverables, but Client may not seek to mislead others that the deliverables were created by anyone other than Contractor.

Client hereby agrees Contractor may use the work product as part of Contractor’s portfolio and websites, galleries and other media solely for the purpose of showcasing Contractor’s work but not for any other purpose. Contractor will not publish any confidential or non-public work without Client’s prior written consent. 


The contract may be terminated with 7 days’ written notice by either party.


Cancellations and Refunds

Digital product buyers: All digital product sales from Nurturr Content are final. There will be no refund or exchange, due to their digital nature and instant delivery.


Canva Templates (Terms & Conditions)

  1. Due to the digital nature of this product, all sales made are final. There will be no refunds or exchange of items once a purchase is complete.
  2. The fonts, images, and elements used are all available on Canva. Please note that you are purchasing the template only. The images and fonts used are properties of Canva. You may use them, or use your own. You may change the image or font with your own or a free image or font available with the free Canva account.

For further inquiries, please send an email to sirferaaz@nurturrcontent.com.